REO SPEEDWAGON & STYX Live At Riverport 2002 On DVD

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Live At Riverport 2002

DVD Format: NTSC
Sourse: Pro-Shot
Menus: No
Quality Rating 9.0

Track List:
blue collar man
Fooling yourself
Brave new world
Edge of the century
Heavy water
Too much time on my hands
Reo Speedwagon:
Don’t let him go
Music man
Take it on the run
Can’t fight this feeling
Time for me to fly
Back on the road again
Keep on loving you
Riding the storm out
157 Riverside Avenue


DVD: Only Disc, No Label
DVD Case: No Case Included
Cover Art: We Send The Cover Art Via e mail (High Quality Resolution) ready to print

Any questions Or Any Doubt, please feel free to contact us:

First at all, you need to understand, all those DVDs are rare stuff made by fans with home software and equipment, of course nothing offer on this site is compare with original DVDs, the quality varies on each titles.   EXAMPLE:    I recorded a broadcast in 1978 and I saved the tape in my basement for 30 years and I found the tape and I decided to put the video on DVD, no video remastered or audio, I just put on DVD; you can imagine the quality right?   Of course is not gonna be really good quality or HD, this is the parameter for this kind of DVDs, not all are bad, not all are good, but you need to keep in your mind, this is rare stuff never released on original DVD, the quality is very different on each DVD, in this site you gonna find very good stuff and low quality stuff, that’s why is very important check it out the quality rating, is a tool to give you an idea about the quality, we have old DVDs with very good quality, and old DVDs very low quality, or new stuff HD and new stuff with no good quality.
The HD era change many things and now DVDs than before in 2003-2009 was rated 9.0 or 9.5   now are 8.0 or 8.5, now everything is HD but in the past was not like that, you can see original DVDs from 2000-2008, watch it now on a big screen and look low quality, that happen with many of our DVDs.

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